Small Time Intranet Logger Documentation
This preface is a way of apologizing before the fact for the way this
thing is presented for the initial release.
Also, it lets me explain that the anticipated user may be a home computer
network 'hobbyist' to more serious home networks to (be still, my heart)
small to medium networks in a more commercial or organizational setting...
Intranet Logger is a suite of programs designed to centralize the parsing
and presentation of system logs generated by computers in an intranet.
The log data is pushed to the logging server by each client machine. The
logging server, in turn, maintains the information in an RDBMS and then
responds to queries via a http daemon interfaced to the RDBMS...
Intranet Logger - acquire
This is log_acquire.
How the clients collect logs and transfer the logs to the logging server...
Intranet Logger - parse
It's designed to first read the raw log files. Then it parses and formats
data so that it is suitable for insertion into a database (currently MySQL).
It also provides archives of the raw and formatted logs that cover specific
periods of time (currently one month) for the particular log...
Intranet Logger - dbms
All things DBMS...
Setup the database. Make sure it is working properly.
In ./server/utils/dbms in the package is a file named 'intranet_logger_create_tables.sql'.
It will create the tables needed to work with the rest of the system...
Intranet Logger - analysis
This is an area that I have not yet started on. The idea of log 'analysis'
will lie in three areas:...
Intranet Logger - httpd
This is an area that I have not yet started on. HTTPD focuses simply
on the development of the presetation of the web portal to the RDBMS as
distinct from the interface interface itself...
Intranet Logger - security
This is an area that I have not yet started on.
All things security.
1. Security of the hosts being serviced
2. Security of the transfer method (network) from client to server...
Intranet Logger - setup
I am assuming that you will setup the system on defaults first and
then make changes as required or desired. I also assume that you are setting
up on
a Slackware system, version 7.1 or better...
Intranet Logger - todo
1. Find a more secure client/server connection/protocol to push the
logs through...
Log Entry Parsing Guide
The single most pervasive concept in the Intranet Logger system is
the notion of main-auxiliary table 'families'. Probably the most confusing
notion is that any main table field that stores log data can either hold
the log data--if it is numeric or date/time--or can hold the index number
of the auxiliary table record that holds the log data...